Arrival Day Expectations

Arrival days are personalized for each of our guests. Our Antares Crew will coordinate a meeting place and time, prior to your arrival, based on your villa location and arrival time. All meeting spots are on St. John.

Please refer to your email from that outlines in detail which of the locations your greeter will be meeting you. This will be sent at least 1 week prior to your arrival. Directions for meeting locations are below. Please note, Casa Del Palmas guests will meet their greeter in Cruz Bay.

If you are staying at a self check-in property, we will email you instructions and directions prior to your arrival. We ask that you text our office at 321-421-0499 upon arrival to the airport and we will send you access codes.

If you have questions about your meeting spot, please call us anytime!

Please use the following maps and directions as reference.

If you are meeting us at “the triangle” in Coral Bay
Please see the map & directions below:


1) Find the Traffic Circle - most of the few roads in Cruz Bay will take you to the traffic circle near the school yard and Dolphin Market.

2) In the Traffic Circle look for the two-way road marked Route 10 or Centerline Road. This is the only road that will be taking you UP hill from the traffic circle. Dolphin Market will be on your left as you make your way up.

3) Travel for about 8 miles, after mile marker 8, you will see a “Welcome to Coral Bay” sign. This "T" intersection is also known as "the Triangle" to locals. You greeter will meet you there. 

if you are meeting us at Bordeaux mountain road entrance please see the map & directions below:


1) Find the Traffic Circle - most of the few roads in Cruz Bay will take you to the traffic circle near the school yard and Dolphin Market.

2) In the Traffic Circle look for the two-way road marked Route 10 or Centerline Road. This is the only road that will be taking you UP hill from the traffic circle. Dolphin Market will be on your left as you make your way up.

3) Travel for about 4 miles and turn right onto Bordeaux Mt Rd/Rte 108. You will see some hurricane damage ruins and a small parking lot on a corner curve.

If you are renting a car in St. Thomas
please see the map & directions below:

Driving from STT Airport to the STT Car Barge:

1) Exit the airport and take a right at the traffic light.

2) Continue on that road past downtown Charlotte Amalie, past Havensite, past the cruise ships. The road will then start to climb up. (Route 30)

3) You will come to a stop sign - bear left. Now about this stop will notice a lot of people don't see it and don't stop as it is behind a tree/bush (unless it has been recently trimmed) If you miss it and don't turn/bear left you will end up at the Marriott hotel so just turn around go back to the stop sign (much easier to spot from this direction) and turn right.

4) Stay on this road and eventually you will come to another stop sign at a T intersection. Turn right. The "bridge to nowhere" will be on your right at that T intersection. (Route 32)

5) Stay on that road and you will arrive in Red Hook and the car ferry will be on your right

Travel time approx 35 - 45mins on a "normal" traffic day, but if there are a lot of cruise ships in, and you are trying to get through downtown CA between 4pm and 5:30pm (they are all returning to the ships and people are also leaving from work) it could take a lot longer.

There are a few other routes to take but I have found this to be the easiest for first timers.


Car Barge Instructions:

Step 1: You do not need to make a reservation. First come first served is typical protocol. The car barges depart from Red Hook on St. Thomas to Enighed Pond, St. John. There are multiple companies that operate car barges. Check the Ferry Schedule page for more details, ticket prices, and schedules. Reservations are not recommended as you may not make the time or the specific company you purchased one for and will need to buy another ticket for the barge you do end up catching. Please note, the daily car barge schedule is subject to a lot of change. Another reason we recommend renting a car on St. John.

Step 2: Drive to Red Hook. The car barge and passenger ferry terminal are right next to each other; each has its own entrance. Arrive about 30 minutes prior to departure time. There is a port tax of $3 per Car, small SUV, Motorcycle; $4 per truck, van, large SUV. The port tax is paid to an attendant in a booth just at the entry area for loading on the car barge.

Step 3: Waiting area. An attendant in the car barge loading area will typically ask what barge you plan to take; and instruct you on where to place your car. Wait in your car until the barge is ready to be loaded.

Step 4: Boarding the car barge. The barge attendants will direct driver’s onto the car barge, and indicate where to park on the barge. You will reverse your vehicle onto the car barge.

Step 5: Buy tickets. Once on the barge, you can either stay in your car, or you can get out and sit on the upper deck. An attendant will approach you at your car, or on the deck, to sell you a ticket. You can purchase one way or round trip. No credit cards, cash only. A receipt will be provided; and the return ticket if you purchased a round trip fare. When purchasing your round trip ticket, double check that your return ticket can be used on the other barge service; and also check the return times. The return times are often listed on your ticket/receipt.

Step 6: Enjoy the ride over. If you are sitting on the deck, start heading back to your car once you get close to the dock area in St. John. The arrival place is Enighed Pond, just outside Cruz Bay.

Driving from the Cruz Bay Car Barge to Coral Bay please See the map & directions below:

driving from the car barge to coral bay:

1) Exit the Car Barge in Cruz Bay

2) Head northeast on W Indian Company Dock St

3) Turn left toward Rte 10 and past the gravel parking lot

4) Turn right toward Rte 10 and continue up the hill past the Fire Station

5) Find the Traffic Circle - most of the few roads in Cruz Bay will take you to the traffic circle near the school yard and Dolphin Market.

6) In the Traffic Circle look for the two-way road marked Route 10 or Centerline Road. This is the only road that will be taking you UP hill from the traffic circle. Dolphin Market will be on your left as you make your way up.

7) Travel for about 8 miles, after mile marker 8, turn right at the “Welcome to Coral Bay” sign onto Rte 107 towards Calabash & Lameshur. This "T" intersection is also known as "the Triangle" to locals.

8) Continue on that road curving to the left, you will and pass the dumpsters on your left.

9) You will start to see the Coral Bay water front on the left and Isola Shoppes is located on your right. You have arrived.